
gamescom 2023: Opening Night Live

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As in previous years, gamescom started with an opulent opening show.

Almost 50 games were shown in two hours. New games or updates were announced. Below you will find all games shown with their current release dates and the respective trailers:

During the two-hour show, stars of the video game and film industry came together, including director Zack Snyder (Rebel Moon), voice actors Roger Clark, Julia Brown and Troy Baker (Fort Solis), Phil Spencer (Xbox), Ed Boon (Mortal Kombat 1) Todd Howard (Starfield) and Sam Lake (Alan Wake II).

The pacing was well done, especially in the later part, there were frequent changes between Triple A productions and indie novelties. While expectations were deliberately lowered ahead of Opening Night Live, there were still a few big surprises, such as Diablo IV Season 2, Marvel Snap’s Shadow Drop on Steam, and Little Nightmares III.

The musical intro was particularly exciting – a live performance by Inon Zur with music from next month’s Starfield. Only the gameplay demo from Call of Duty Modern Warfare III was a bit out of the ordinary due to its overlength. Geoff Keighley did a great job once again hosting the show, despite a disruption early on in Opening Night Live. We are excited to see what else gamescom has to offer this year and will be reporting live from Cologne throughout the week.