
gamescom 2017: Atari line-up

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Atari is naturally present on the gamescom 2017 as well. We take a peak at three upcoming titles.

Please keep in mind that the video material provided is in German-only.

The rebirth of the arcade and console classic Tempest 4000. We’ll give you all information that you need on the upcoming arcade shooter in the following video.

Goon Squad is Atari’s mafia take on Clash Royale on iOS and Android devices. Here as well the video will provide you with details as to why the game has some addictive potential.

Lunar Battle will be released later this year, again for all devices capable of running Android and iOS. Base-building and arcade action collide in the game: Fight in PvP/PvE to uphold your colony. As you may have guessed it by now: more on that matter in the following video.